Who do you trust?
One of my sister/friends encouraged me last week to start posting on this weblog again (I had taken some time off.), because with all of the rhetoric and hype and noise in our media-saturated lives, she needs to hear "from someone she can trust."
Because I believe that just about any truly useful thought I might have, has already been said better by someone else, most of my posts are quotes. Here are some people that I, myself, trust. (These are the living ones who are still speaking, writing and blogging; the old dead guys make up a longer list, a subject for another day.):
John Piper; Al Mohler; Donald Carson; Wendell Berry; Marva Dawn; Anthony Esolen.
Who should I add to my list? (People who are saying useful, insightful, Biblically-consistent things)
I'd add P. T. O'Brien, Graeme Goldsworthy, and Tom Schreiner to the list of solid, trustworthy guides.
Dad, I think you should have a link to Justin's blog on your page. That's worthwhile reading, eh? And did you know DGM has a blog now? You could add that too, while you're at it.
Dr. Tim Keller, via Steve McCoy's site, Reformissionary.
How about C. J. Mahaney
His book, Humility: True Greatness is a must read in my opinion.
If you appreciate the writings of John Piper, I think you will find Mr. Mahaney to be equally relevant.
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