Friday, March 16, 2007

Who do you trust? Part two

In a recent sermon, Mark Driscoll (Mars Hill Church, Ballard) stressed the importance of trust between church leaders and the people in the padded, stackable chairs. (He didn't exactly put it that way.) Which raises a few questions:
1. Do you think Christians (by God's design) naturally trust their leaders, unless they are given reasons not to?
2. What factors break down trust in church leaders?
3. Once trust is lost, can it be rebuilt? If so, how?
If you have answers to those questions (other than "Probably"; "Just about anything."; and "Probably not", please leave a comment.


At 2:01 PM, Blogger Mary said...

I look for character and humility in leaders. And there needs to be accountability. We should not trust ourselves, so why trust others? We are all capable of sinning. "There, but for the grace of God, go I."


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