Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What could be better than a tour of Israel?

If you haven't been to Israel, because of the expense or the real or perceived danger at times, at least check into Todd Bolen's Bible Places website, blog, and newsletter. For many years, this gifted Bible teacher and photographer has lived, with his wife and children, at the IBEX campus of the Master's College, in the Judean hills northwest of Jerusalem. The popular press, when it covers news of biblical and archaeological significance at all, is usually not reliable at all. Let Todd sort it out for you; and enjoy the thousands of high resolution aerial, ground, and historical photos on his site. I bought the CD set. Let me know if you would like to borrow it; it's awesome.


At 8:36 AM, Blogger Mary said...

I've always wanted to visit the Holy Land. Put us on the list for borrowing your cds. Thanks.


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